Working in the neighbouring country – but how? Anyone thinking about working in Germany or the Netherlands often faces many questions: What tax rules apply? Where do you pay social security contributions? And what happens to your pension?
The free web seminar series from GrenzInfoPunkt on 19 and 20 March at 4:30 p.m. will provide answers. Experts will provide information on differences in social security, the tax system and labour law and will answer individual questions. Working remotely for a foreign employer will also be discussed. The focus of the presentations will be people who live and work across the German-Dutch border.
Please note that the seminars will be held in German and Dutch respectively.
Those interested can register until the start of the respective web seminars at
📅 19 March (in German): Working in the Netherlands
📅 20 March (in Dutch): Working in Germany
After registering, participants will receive an access link to the seminar.
Register now and be well prepared for your career across the border!