Apply for A1 certificate on time

17. May 2024

Employers who employ cross-border commuters who also work from their home office in a neighbouring country must apply for an A1 certificate. This is a certificate of active social security status. The application is made on the basis of the framework agreement on teleworking that came into force on 1 July 2023.

If the application is made before 1 July 2024, it can be retroactive to no later than 1 July 2023. If the application is made later, the A1 statement can take effect retroactively with a maximum of 3 months.

As the SVB in the Netherlands expects a large influx of applications by Dutch employers, it is also possible for these employers to make a so-called bulk application. They can then submit all applications for all their employees in 1 x. The bulk application can be done by filling in a spreadsheet (e.g. in an Excel file) and then completing the application form available on the SVB website.

More information can be found on the SVB website:

General information on the framework agreement can be found at the DVKA:

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