B-Solutions workshop in Brussels – Access for last minute decisions

Solving obstacles to cross-border telework

Close to a breakthrough?

Wednesday 14th June, 2023
Benelux Unie, Rue de la Régence 39, 1000 Bruxelles


Interpretation avilable in Dutch, German and French

10.15 Registration

10.30 Welcome
Michel Tilemans, Deputy Secretary-General of the Benelux Union & Martin Unfried, ITEM

10.35 Introduction – Innovative b-solutions 2.0: from problem analysis to problem solving
Ricardo Ferreira, DG REGIO & Martin Guillermo Ramirez, AEBR

10.45 B-Solutions case 100: Cross-border telework
Heike Xhonneux, GrenzInfoPunkt Aachen/Eurode: Background – why is it a problem for cross-border workers and employers? Why was the case submitted?
Prof. Dr. Marjon Weerepas: Analysis – ITEM research reveals the obstacles and solutions

11.05 Panel: Social Security – The Big Breakthrough?
(1) What does the Framework Agreement mean in practice for cross-border workers and employers?
(2) The future of the Framework Agreement in relation to Regulation 883/04?
Panel guests: Lode van Steenkiste, RSZ, member of the ad-hoc group on the Framework Agreement // Jan Kielwein, BMAS // Dita Collinsova, DG EMPL // Heike Xhonneux, GrenzInfoPunkt Aachen-Eurode

11.45 Reflection of Karl Heinz Lambertz, President of AEBR

12.15 Lunch Break

13.00 Next item: how to link the tax arrangements to social security?
Panel guests: Prof. Dr. Marjon Weerepas, ITEM // Evelien de Jong, EY // Jos Poukens, ACV // Reijer Janssen, Director Dutch ministry of Finance

13.30 Connecting the initiatives: on which level should taxation be dealt with?
Introduction: Pim Mertens, ITEM: Mapping the existing initiatives
Panel guests: Reijer Janssen, Director Dutch ministry of Finance And chair of Benelux-meeting on taxation // Yves Evrard, chair of the Commission Finance Benelux Parliament // Pascal Arimont, MEP // Karl Heinz Lambertz, AEBR

14.15 Reflection: Albert Raedler, DG TAXUD

14.35 Discussion

15.05 Conclusions

15.30 Networking and Drinks
This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union and AEBR. The contents of this document
are the sole responsibility of Region Aachen Zweckverband – GrenzInfoPunkt Aachen-Eurode and can under no circumstances be
regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union or AEBR.


To join the Zoom conference, please use the following login-data:

Link to join Zoom Meeting:          https://benelux-int.zoom.us/j/84188654078?pwd=SWduMkxRSlJnM05WSkNPZ2xFeUFxdz09

Meeting ID: 841 8865 4078

Passcode: 671168

When using interpretation, it is important that participants have the latest version of zoom, this is to avoid technical problems during the meeting.

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