IHK Aachen webinar series: Posting abroad – Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Netherlands

Bureaucratic and legal requirements for employee postings within the European Union often cause difficulties for companies. The regulations and reporting portals differ depending on the destination country. In addition to reporting obligations, aspects of labour, tax and social security law must also be taken into account. At the same time, cross-border service provision is on the rise due to increasing internationalisation.

In a series of webinars, the IHK Aachen is therefore offering companies the opportunity to obtain general information on the topic of posting and the respective posting regulations in Belgium, France, Luxembourg and the Netherlands and to talk to experts.

AOK Rheinland/Hamburg will kick off the webinar series with a general introduction to the topic and insurance law issues. This will be followed by individual country webinars that take a closer look at the specific regulations of the destination country.

Following the experts’ presentations, there will be an opportunity to ask questions and engage in dialogue.

You can register for individual or multiple webinars. The dates do not build on each other. For organisational reasons, separate registration is required for each event.

Further information on the content and dates can be found at https://www.ihk.de/aachen/international/entsendung/entsendung-ins-ausland-belgien-frankreich-luxemburg-niederlande-6199608

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