Minimum wage

Minimum wage in Germany Since 1 October 2022, the minimum wage is €12.00/hour. Minimum wage in the Netherlands In the Netherlands there is the statutory minimum wage (wettelijk minimumloon) for workers aged 21 and over and the statutory minimum youth wage (wettelijke minimum jeugdloon) for workers under 21. From 1 July 2023, the following amounts […]
Update on home office in neighbouring countries: DVKA confirms German participation in exception regulation

After Belgium and the Netherlands, Germany’s participation in the new derogation has now also been confirmed.
New information on “Rules for home office work in neighbouring country from 1 July 2023”

We continually receive new information on the new framework agreement regarding home office work from a neighbouring country. As a supplement to the last article (Rules for home office work in neighbouring country from 1 July 2023, 13.04.2023) you can find out more details about the new regulation in this article. From 1 July […]
How does the pension system work in the Netherlands?
If you live in Germany and work in the Netherlands, you usually build up two pensions in the Netherlands: the statutory AOW pension and an occupational pension. However, it is not always clear how the pension models work and exactly how much pension you are entitled to. For this reason, GrenzInfoPunkte is organising a web […]
Living in Germany, pension from Belgium or the Netherlands: Energy price flat rate (EPP)

If you live in Germany and exclusively receive pension benefits from the Netherlands or Belgium (this also applies to WIA or WAO benefits), you can apply for the energy price flat rate (EPP) from 9 January 2023. The application form is now available on the Knappschaft Bahn See website. If you also receive a German […]
Germany: Child benefit increase from 1 January 2023

The German Bundestag has approved an increase in child benefit for the first 3 children in a family to €250 per month per child. The increase will take effect from 1 January 2023. For the first and second child this means an increase of €31 per month, for the third child an increase of €25 […]
Important change to the taxation of WIA benefits in Germany

Residents of Germany who receive a WIA, WAO or WAZ benefit from the UWV from the Netherlands should note that their benefit will be taxed in the Netherlands from 1 January 2023, regardless of its amount. Until the end of 2022, the said benefits will still be taxed in the Netherlands if the sum of […]
Ruling: claimants do not have to repay emergency aid in NRW

The decisions to recover part of the emergency aid paid out in NRW from the beneficiaries are unlawful. This was announced by the press office of the Verwaltungsgericht Düsseldorf. The claimants in the three cases, which were heard in mid-August, do not have to repay the emergency aid. The Land of North Rhine-Westphalia can still […]
ECJ ruling: Kindergeld for newly arrived EU citizens in Germany also during the first 3 months

“A Union citizen who has established his habitual residence in a host Member State cannot be excluded from receiving child benefit during the first three months of his residence because he does not receive income from gainful employment in that Member State. Provided that he resides lawfully, he enjoys, in principle, equal treatment with nationals.” […]