IHK Aachen webinar series: Posting abroad – Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Netherlands

Bureaucratic and legal requirements for employee postings within the European Union often cause difficulties for companies. The regulations and reporting portals differ depending on the destination country. In addition to reporting obligations, aspects of labour, tax and social security law must also be taken into account. At the same time, cross-border service provision is on […]
Vacancy at GrenzInfoPunkt Aachen-Eurode

[UPDATE: THE DEADLINE HAS EXPIRED] GrenzInfoPunkt Aachen-Eurode is looking for full-time reinforcement for the counselling team as soon as possible. If you are very familiar with German, Belgian or Dutch social security law as well as European coordination regulations or the respective tax systems and double taxation agreements and ideally also speak one or […]
GrenzNetz Conference in Aachen

On 14 and 15 December 2023, the GrenzNetz met to discuss and compare the situation of cross-border commuters at various German national borders and to develop possible solutions. This time, the meeting took place in the imperial city of Aachen. In a Christmassy setting, but not without the necessary seriousness, the participants were able to […]
Entrepreneur’s breakfast: A euregional labour market for securing skilled workers and employees

Many companies, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, are currently at a disadvantage: they are probably the hardest hit by the shortage of skilled labour. Unlike the big players, they cannot offer countless incentives. Hopeless – or not? Far from it! Numerous businesses are not even aware of the opportunities to position themselves attractively with simple […]
Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment visits GrenzInfoPunkt

In recent years, the GrenzInfoPunkts (GIPs, Border Information Points) have intensified their cooperation along the German-Dutch-Belgian border. By joining forces, they can make their information and education work on the highly complex topics of tax and social security in cross-border living and working accessible to a wider audience and ensure the quality of the information. […]
Telework for cross-border workers: great results – great challenges

On 14 June 2023, actors from Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands, the European Commission and experts from the GrenzInfoPunkt Aachen-Eurode and the Institute for Transnational and Euregional Cross-border Cooperation and Mobility (ITEM) at Maastricht University met at the BENELUX premises in Brussels. Together they discussed the current achievement for cross-border workers in the form of […]
B-Solutions workshop in Brussels – Access for last minute decisions

Solving obstacles to cross-border telework Close to a breakthrough? Wednesday 14th June, 2023 Benelux Unie, Rue de la Régence 39, 1000 Bruxelles Programme Interpretation avilable in Dutch, German and French 10.15 Registration 10.30 Welcome Michel Tilemans, Deputy Secretary-General of the Benelux Union & Martin Unfried, ITEM 10.35 Introduction – Innovative b-solutions 2.0: from problem analysis […]
GrenzNetz Conference in Mönchengladbach

The first GrenzNetz Conference of 2023 took place in Mönchengladbach on 4 and 5 May 2023. At this legal working group, current problems and obstacles to mobility in cross-border life and work are discussed, compared with current case law, the various experiences and best-practice examples from day-to-day business are exchanged and joint approaches to solutions […]
Longer deadlines for online tax returns for Belgian cross-border commuters

Good news for all those who need a little longer: Cross-border commuters with foreign income still have until 18 October 2023 to file their Belgian tax return for 2022. The condition is that they fill it out online via Tax-on-Web. This service can be used via the Belgian financial portal MyMinFin. Apart from income from […]
New rules for home office work in neighbouring country from 1 July 2023

On 1 July 2023, a new scheme will come into force that will allow many cross-border workers to continue working regularly in their home office without their social security moving to their country of residence. Participation by member states is voluntary, in other words EU member states decide for themselves whether to sign and implement […]