Increase in the minimum wage in the Netherlands and Germany as of 1 January 2025

Netherlands From 1 January 2025, the minimum wage in the Netherlands for employees aged 21 and over will be €14.06 per hour. The minimum wage is adjusted twice a year on 1 January and 1 July. For an overview of the minimum wage for younger age groups and further information, please visit the Rijksoverheid website. […]

Voting from abroad: Bundestag election 2025

Do you live in the Netherlands or Belgium and would like to exercise your right to vote in the German Bundestag on 23 February 2025? As a German national living abroad without a place of residence in Germany, you should apply for entry on the electoral roll in good time. The municipality where you were […]

Extension of Belgian declaration obligation in NRIT

A new interpretation of Article 232 of the Belgian Income Tax Code 1992 affects the Belgian Non-Resident Income Tax (NRIT) return obligation. Indeed, this new interpretation has expanded the group of non-residents obliged to file a NRIT return. The new interpretation specifically affects non-residents (think of Dutch, German or French) who own one or more […]

The job bonus is here! Submit your application now.

The job bonus is a premium from the Flemish government for employees earning less than €3,000 gross per month in 2023. Thanks to the job bonus, the financial gap between unemployment and work is widening. Cross-border workers are also entitled to this job bonus. To qualify, you must live in Flanders, work abroad and meet […]

Border controls at all German land borders

In addition to the temporary border controls already in place at the land borders with Austria, Switzerland, the Czech Republic and Poland, the German Federal Ministry of the Interior and Home Affairs also announced further border controls yesterday. These will begin on Monday, 16 September 2024, at Germany’s land borders with France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, […]

UWV calculation method with estimates penalises cross-border commuters who are unable to work

The UWV now makes it easier to receive missed benefits after all! Some people with a disability who receive both a UWV reduced earning capacity pension and a benefit from another country receive too little money due to a calculation method used by the UWV. Another group even receives too much money. These are cross-border […]

A mini-job alongside a pension – What to consider

If you live in Germany and would like to earn some extra money with a mini-job alongside your pension, there are a few things to bear in mind with regard to health insurance when receiving a pension from the Netherlands or Belgium. Pension from Germany and the Netherlands or Belgium If a person receives a […]

Border controls during the European Football Championship

The European Football Championship will take place in Germany from 14 June to 14 July 2024. Are you travelling to the European Football Championship in Germany? Read 10 tips from the Dutch ambassador in Berlin on The German border police will carry out border controls from 7 June to 19 July 2024, including at […]

Supplement to the reduced earning capacity pension from German pension insurance

On 17 May, the Federal Council decided that persons who are unable to work and whose reduced earning capacity pension began between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2018 will receive a supplement to their benefit. This benefit increase will affect the survivor’s pension or pension for old age that follows the reduced earning capacity […]

For pensions from Germany: Communicate changes of address online

Pensioners who live in the Netherlands or Belgium, for example, and currently receive a pension from Germany must inform their pension insurance provider if they move. The “Renten Service” (pension service) requires a valid address in order to pay out the pension. If no new address is provided after a move, further payment of the […]