Minimum wage from July 2024 in Germany and the Netherlands

Germany The statutory minimum hourly wage in Germany will remain at €12.41 from July 2024. The minimum wage is set to rise to €12.82 by 1 January 2025.   Netherlands In the Netherlands, there is an age-dependent minimum wage. Below you will find the table of the statutory minimum hourly wage from 1 July 2024 […]

Double taxation of Dutch nationals in the public sector working from home

Many Dutch nationals who work in the public sector and live in Germany are contacted by their German tax office to submit a tax return in Germany. Often with retroactive effect over several years. The tax office is of the opinion that if these employees have come to Germany voluntarily and carry out an activity […]

Living abroad: Losing your citizen service number (BSN)

Living abroad: Losing your citizen service number (BSN) The citizen service number (BSN) is your personal number for contact with the Dutch authorities. You can usually find your BSN on your passport, identity card and driving licence from the Netherlands. You can also look up the number online via Mijnoverheid. You can also find the […]

Germany: request proof of insurance number free of charge in the event of loss

Since 1 January 2023, there has been the Versicherungsnummernachweis (insurance number certificate, formerly Sozialversicherungsausweis). It contains the following information: Insurance number, first name(s), surname, surname at birth and the date of issue. Employees receive it automatically when they take up their first job. You need the insurance number certificate to identify yourself for social insurance […]

German-Dutch thematic consultation day Family benefits

Do you work as a cross-border commuter in Germany or the Netherlands and have questions about German and Dutch family benefits or German parental benefits? On 17 April 2024, the GrensInfoPunnten along the German-Dutch border will hold a themed consultation hour on this topic. During this digital consultation hour, you can talk directly to employees […]

Applying for child sickness benefit: How to do it for residents of the Netherlands

Employees in Germany are familiar with the situation: if you work and have to look after your sick child at home, you will receive child sickness benefit in many cases. This wage replacement benefit is paid by the statutory health insurance fund. One of the prerequisites for this is that the child has statutory health […]

Family members of Dutch civil servants in the EU no longer insured in the Netherlands

Since 1 January 2024, the social security status of family members of civil servants working within the EU/EFTA has changed. As of this year, family members who do not work in the other member state and do not receive short-term benefits are subject to the social security regulations of the country of residence. Accordingly, they […]

Tax declaration in the Netherlands before 1 May

Anyone living in Germany or Belgium who needs to file a tax return in the Netherlands must do so before 1 May 2024. In previous years, the deadline to file a tax return was 1 July, this date has been brought forward from this year. Requesting an extension Should it not be possible to file […]

Working visit from the Province of Limburg

The Dutch province of Limburg shares a long stretch of border with Germany and Belgium. It is home to three large border regions, i.e. Euregios: the Euregio Rhine-Waal, the Euregio Rhine-Meuse-North and the Euregio Meuse-Rhine. It is therefore no surprise that the Province of Limburg is one of the most important users and financiers of […]

Web seminar: Cross-border inheritance – What do you have to consider?

GrenzInfoPunkte are organising free web seminars on 16 and 17 August   The topic of inheritance law can quickly become very complicated – especially in a cross-border context. What happens, for example, if you live in Germany as a Dutch citizen and receive an inheritance from the Netherlands? In which country is inheritance tax then […]