Determination of social security provisions
It happens regularly that someone works in several EU countries. For example, you work for a Dutch company in Germany and in the Netherlands or you work as an international truck driver. If you work in several countries, the EU regulation regulates which social security provisions have to be observed. It is important to consider […]
183-day rule
If a Dutch company employs an employee who lives in the Netherlands in Germany, the salary is taxable in Germany. That is the main rule. However, it may be that the employee’s tax liability does not shift to Germany. This is the case, for example, if the employee works less than 183 days in a […]
Coronavirus – Information Germany
Across the border Home office, social security and taxes Agreements between the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany General information Information for employees Information for self-employed and entrepreneurs Disclaimer We make every effort to update our information on a daily basis. All information is without guarantee, please note the current notices of the public authorities.
Information for entrepreneurs and the self-employed
Information on social insurance and the possibilities of applying for a bridging loan can be found on the website of the National Institute of Social Insurance for the Self-Employed (LISVS/RSVZ/INASTI) here>> Service centre in Maastricht for border entrepreneurs to apply for a working capital loan (TOZO)
Coronavirus – Information The Netherlands
Across the border Home office, social security and taxes Meetings The Netherlands, Germany and Belgium General information Information for employees Information for self-employed and entrepreneurs Disclaimer We make every effort to update our information on a daily basis. All information is without guarantee, please note the current notices of the public authorities.
Information for self-employed and entrepreneurs
The Kamer van Koophandel with FAQ’s for entrepreneurs at the country borders: Here>> The Kamer van Koophandel with FAQ’s for entrepreneurs in general: Here>> The Dutch government on short-time worker allowances (Noodmaatregel Overbrugging voor Werkbehoud (NOW)): Here>> The Dutch government with information for the self-employed (TOZO): Here>>
When you start working in Germany, several things may change for you. For example, you will be confronted with different tax legislation, German social security and a different work culture. You will also be subject to different labour laws. In addition to your salary, you are increasingly not entitled to a holiday bonus or Christmas […]
When you start working in Germany, many things will change for you. This includes a different tax code as well as the German social system and, above all, a different work culture. We have compiled information about cultural differences for you here. You will also be subject to different labour laws. In German labour law, […]
Home office, social security and taxes
Tax consequences of home office/work from home: Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands have reached an agreement on the issue of taxation of home office days. Taxation of these days in the country of employment remains possible (for a limited period), so it can remain unchanged. The agreements between the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium can be […]
General information
Official information from the Belgian authorities on the latest regulations can be found on the following pages: The National Crisis Centre: Here>> The Federal Government of Belgium: Here>> Ministry of Environment of the Kingdom of Belgium: Here>> Citizens’ Information Portal of the German-speaking Community of Belgium: Here>> Flemish Region: Here>> Walloon Region: Here>> The following […]