https://youtu.be/rpw5BG8dGb0 This film explains in German what the unemployment rules are if you live in Germany and work in the Netherlands. For the cross-border rules on unemployment, it is important that you were a cross-border commuter before you became unemployed. A cross-border commuter works in another EU country than the one where they live and […]
Health insurance supplement
The health insurance supplement (zorgtoeslag) is a financial subsidy from the Dutch government to ensure the affordability of health insurance. However, there are some conditions that you have to fulfil to get the health insurance supplement: You are 18 years or older Your income is not too highIn 2021 your income must not exceed € […]
Continued payment of wages and sickness allowance
The film below explains what the rules are if you live in Germany, work in the Netherlands and become ill. Continuation of pay If you work in the Netherlands and become ill, your employer will continue to pay your wages. If you have a permanent contract, your employer will continue to pay your wages for […]
Sickness and incapacity for work
You are insured for sickness benefits in Belgium. If you become ill and cannot work, you will first receive part of your salary from your employer. After that, you will often receive sickness benefits from the health insurance fund. Caution! Was your illness caused by an accident at work or an occupational disease? Then you […]
Illness and incapacity for work
Illness You are insured against incapacity for work in Belgium. If you fall ill and cannot work, you will first receive part of your salary from your employer. Then, in the event of illness, you will often receive a benefit from your health insurance. However, please note the following: Is your illness due to an […]
Dismissal due to illness
Can my German employer dismiss me because of illness? If you are sick, you cannot be dismissed. This is a common misconception. If someone is absent very often or for a very long time because of illness, the employer can dismiss him under certain circumstances. An occasional flu or infection is not enough. Dismissal due […]
Mini-jobs in Germany
If you live in the Netherlands, it is not always advisable to work part-time in Germany, especially when it comes to a mini-job or marginal employment. A mini-job, also called a 450-euro job, is meant to be a part-time job. The job itself is a job that is not subject to compulsory insurance. This means […]
Short and sweet
What do you need to do if you want to work in the Netherlands? 1. Apply for a Citizen Service Number Your employer needs your Citizen Service Number. You cannot work in the Netherlands without a Citizen Service Number. You need this number to take out health insurance, accrue your pension and pay […]
Living in Belgium, working in Germany
If you work in Germany, you are liable to pay income tax on your salary in Germany. This also applies to people who live in Belgium and work in Germany. As a cross-border worker, you can take advantage of possible deductions and other tax benefits of the German tax system under certain conditions. To do […]
Living in the Netherlands, working in Belgium
An employee in Belgium pays income tax. In Belgium, this is called bedrijfsvoorheffing (Berufssteuervorabzug, précompte professionnel). This also applies to Dutch employees in Belgium. As a cross-border worker, under certain conditions you can claim the aftrekposten (Abzugsposten, déduction fiscal) and tegemoetkomingen (tax advantages, avantage fiscal) provided by the Belgian tax system (meet the 75% standard). […]