Home office, social security and taxes

Tax consequences of home office/work from home: Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands have reached an agreement on the issue of taxation of home office days. Taxation of these days in the country of employment remains possible (for a limited period), so it can remain unchanged. The agreements between the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium can be […]

General information

Official information from the Belgian authorities on the latest regulations can be found on the following pages: The National Crisis Centre: Here>> The Federal Government of Belgium: Here>> Ministry of Environment of the Kingdom of Belgium: Here>> Citizens’ Information Portal of the German-speaking Community of Belgium: Here>> Flemish Region: Here>> Walloon Region: Here>> The following […]

Coronavirus – Information Belgium

Border crossing Home office, social security and taxes Agreements between the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany General information Information for employees Information for entrepreneurs and the self-employed Disclaimer We make every effort to update our information on a daily basis. All information is without guarantee, please note the current notices of the public authorities.

Border crossing

Crossing the border between the Netherlands, North Rhine-Westphalia and Belgium Here you will find a handy tool that makes it easy to find out whether you are allowed to cross the border, whether you have to report and whether you have to go into quarantine. Measures for entering and leaving Belgium We have compiled information […]

Cooperation between the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany

Cross-border crisis management between Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium (Cross Border Task Force) On the initiative of Minister President Laschet, a “Cross-Border Task Force Corona†was established for cross-border issues during the Corona pandemic with the aim of cross-border crisis management between North Rhine-Westphalia, Lower Saxony, the Netherlands and Belgium to synchronise activities against the […]

Studies and part-time job

If you have a part-time job as a student in the Netherlands but continue to reside in Germany, you are a cross-border worker.As a cross-border worker, you are subject to the social security system of the country in which you work. This means that you pay all contributions to the residents’ insurance scheme in the […]

Looking for a job

  The fastest way to find a new job is still to contact companies directly. You can indicate at the UWV that you are (also) interested in jobs in Germany. The UWV will then ensure that the German Employment Agency receives your CV. You can also register as a jobseeker directly with the German Employment […]

Looking for a job

If you are thinking about looking for a job in Belgium, you can proceed in different ways. An efficient way to find work is to contact companies directly (networking). You can also register with the UWV as looking for a job in Belgium. The UWV will make sure that your CV is made available to […]

Companies in the Netherlands

Business in the Netherlands offers many opportunities. Doing business in the Netherlands can have consequences for your social security and tax. It may also have consequences for your staff. If you want to operate as a self-employed entrepreneur in the Netherlands, you will have to deal with Dutch tax laws and the Dutch social security […]


If you are temporarily assigned abroad by your employer or if you work abroad temporarily as a self-employed person, it is possible to apply the social security legislation of your country of residence for a short period of time. This is called “postingâ€. To be eligible for a posting certificate as an employee, you must […]