Cooperation between the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany

Cross-border crisis management between Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium (Cross Border Task Force)

On the initiative of Minister President Laschet, a “Cross-Border Task Force Corona†was established for cross-border issues during the Corona pandemic with the aim of cross-border crisis management between North Rhine-Westphalia, Lower Saxony, the Netherlands and Belgium to synchronise activities against the coronavirus.

The task force is to improve the mutual exchange of information, synchronise activities and clarify issues of common interest for crisis management.

In addition to the lead State Chancellery of North Rhine-Westphalia, experts from several ministries of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia are represented, as well as from the Belgian and Dutch sides, respectively the foreign ministries, embassies, the police and relevant ministries. Representatives of the state of Lower Saxony and the German embassies in the Netherlands and Belgium also participate in the task force. Until further notice, the task force will exchange information on acute new situations within a short period of time.