Border crossing

Crossing the border between the Netherlands, North Rhine-Westphalia and Belgium

Here you will find a handy tool that makes it easy to find out whether you are allowed to cross the border, whether you have to report and whether you have to go into quarantine.

Measures for entering and leaving Belgium

We have compiled information for you on the rules and measures in connection with the Corona pandemic.
You can keep up to date on the latest developments via our News.


If you want to enter Belgium and stay there for more than 48 hours or if you live in Belgium and stay in another country for more than 48 hours, you have to fill in the Public Health Passenger Location Form (online or on paper form).

Further information

Here you will find daily updated information and contact details:

  • The website of the Euregio Meuse-Rhine: offers a clear information document that clearly shows what is permitted and what must be observed for all travel directions. It contains the contact details of all German health authorities in the border area of the Euregio Meuse-Rhine where you would have to report.
  • All current rules and measures in Belgium can be found here>> and on the Crisis Centre Belgium website.
  • The rules for entering and leaving the Netherlands can be found here>>. Telephone contact is possible via: +31 20 205 1351 and +32 78 15 17 71.
  • The rules for entering and leaving Germany can be found on the Federal Ministry of the Interior website and the Federal Police website. Telephone contact is possible via: +0800 6 888000 The state of North Rhine-Westphalia offers here>> information and contact via telephone: +49 211 91191001.
  • Information on all EU countries can be found here>> as well as information on risk areas.

Please remember that the decision whether you are allowed to cross the border or not lies with the border guards!