Dutch pension and health insurance

German and Dutch pension

If you live in Germany and also receive a German pension, you are covered by the German health insurance. In this case, you are a member of the “pensioners’ health insuranceâ€. You do not have to pay contributions for your Dutch health insurance and WLZ (long-term care insurance) through your income in the Netherlands. However, you will not be able to receive the planned care in the Netherlands. However, because of your Dutch income, you will have to pay contributions to your health insurance. If you receive a very small pension from Germany or the Netherlands, it may sometimes make sense not to claim this pension or to be exempted. You should seek advice on this at the Grenzinfopunkt!

Dutch pension only

You live in Germany or are moving to Germany and only receive a benefit from the Netherlands: a WIA, WAO, AOW or Anw benefit or an early retirement benefit.

In which country are you insured?

You are entitled to medical benefits in Germany and in the Netherlands, but the costs are reimbursed from the Netherlands. You are no longer insured in the Netherlands under the Care Insurance Act (Wlz) and under the Health Insurance Act (Zvw) via a Dutch ‘zorgverzekeraar’ [health care insurer].

If you register with a German health insurance, you can claim medical benefits in Germany. To do this, you need an S1 certificate (formerly E121). You can apply for this certificate from the Dutch CAK. You will then be entitled to reimbursement from the German statutory health insurance and long-term care insurance in Germany and from the ‘Basisverzekering’ [basis insurance] ZVW and WLZ in the Netherlands. Read more about Dutch benefits here: Zilveren Kruis

Is your family also insured?

Your German health insurance fund will check which family members are also insured with you. This is done according to German rules. You can often co-insure your partner and children up to a certain age, as long as they are not already independently insured in Germany or the Netherlands. You register your dependants with the Dutch institution CAK as co-insured.

How do you get medical care?

You can get medical care in Germany if you register with a German health insurance. Do you also need health care in the Netherlands? Then you need a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) from the CAK. Without this certificate, you risk having to pay for medical services yourself. You can read about how this works in the Netherlands here:Zilveren Kruis

What does it cost you?

You pay contributions to the CAK. As the average medical costs in Germany are somewhat lower than in the Netherlands, this contribution is lower than the Wlz and Zvw monthly contributions you would pay in the Netherlands. Children under 18 are covered free of charge. Dependants over 18 also pay contributions to the CAK. You can take out supplementary insurance with a German health insurance company or a private insurance company. Each provider decides for itself on the catalogue of benefits, the conditions and the contribution rates.

Health insurance supplement

If you have a low income, you can apply for a health insurance supplement. You can get this supplement to the health insurance costs for yourself or for your co-insured dependants. You can apply for a health insurance supplement at the Dutch tax office (belastingdienst) in Heerlen, telephone number +0031 55 5385385. You can find more information at www.toeslagen.nl (information in Dutch). You can also find out more about the health insurance supplement here.

And what if …

… you need medical care during a stay abroad?

If you are going on holiday to another EU/EEA country or Switzerland, you can request a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) from the Dutch insurance provider. This will enable you to get medical treatment in an emergency, including in the Netherlands.If you spend your holiday in another country, these costs may be covered by private travel insurance.

… you receive sickness allowance or unemployment benefit?

Then you are insured in the same way as people who work. You can find more information under ‘Working in the Netherlands’.

… you receive income from Germany (e.g. a mini-job)?

Then you will be compulsorily insured in Germany. Then take out insurance with a German health insurance company of your choice. Contact your health insurance fund so that they can terminate your insurance with the CAK. You will pay contributions to your health insurance fund through your Dutch pension. You can read more about how these contributions are calculated here: R0815

Text taken from a brochure from the Bureau voor Duitse Zaken [Office of German Affairs]