Family health insurance

If you are covered by social security in the Netherlands, you are insured against medical expenses in the Netherlands. Your spouse can be insured with you under the rules of German law. This also applies to your children. If your partner works in Germany or the Netherlands, your partner has their own insurance.

Note: If your partner has a mini-job, they fall under German law and cannot be co-insured in the Netherlands. Your partner can then take out voluntary insurance with a German health insurance.

Family insurance in the statutory health insurance

Your partner does not work? Then he/she can be co-insured with you. Your partner is then a so-called contractually insured person. In this case, your partner and your children have almost the same rights as you. The family can claim healthcare in Germany under German law and in the Netherlands under Dutch law.

Co-insured family members who are 18 or older must pay a contribution for this health insurance. This contribution is paid to the CAK and is € 103.21 per month (2022).

Further information for contractually insured persons can be found on the CAK website.

Continued insurance with the German health insurance

To arrange this, you will need form S1 (E106) from your Dutch health insurer. You hand this form in to your German health insurance. The German health insurance takes care of the registration with the CAK. Everyone receives a card from the German health insurance. From the CAK, the co-insured receive the so-called EHIC (European Health Insurance Card). This is a European card that allows family members to receive basic health care in the Netherlands. This also applies to emergency care in other countries (for example, on holiday).

You will receive these cards: The Dutch health insurance card, EHIC (sometimes on the back of your Dutch insurance card) and German insurance card. You use these as follows:

Country where medical care is needed

Which card do you use

The Netherlands

Card from the Dutch health insurer


Card from the German health insurer

Other EU member state

EHIC (European Health Insurance Card)

Financial handling

If your family members are entitled to health care in the Netherlands, this will be done through the health insurer Zilveren Kruis. This website tells you what your family members are entitled to in the Netherlands and how the financial arrangements work.

Health insurance supplement (zorgtoeslag [healthcare allowance])

Are you covered by health insurance in the Netherlands or insured through the CAK and over the age of 18? Then you may be eligible for the health insurance supplement. If you are insured in the Netherlands, you can apply for the full health insurance supplement of a maximum of € 111 per month (2022, depending on your income). A country of residence factor is applied to the possible health insurance supplement of contractually insured persons. Therefore, the maximum health insurance supplement for this group of persons is approximately € 90 (also depending on income).

As a single person, you are entitled to a supplement if your annual income does not exceed € 31,998. If your partner is also insured, your possible health insurance supplement is also higher. Married or cohabiting couples may be entitled to a health insurance supplement if their joint income does not exceed € 40,944.

The higher the income, the lower the possible health insurance supplement. You can find an indication of the possible health insurance supplement in this table.

Applying for the zorgtoeslag

If the person who wants to apply has a DigiD, he or she can apply for the health supplement himself or herself via If no DigiD is known, you can apply by telephone to the Belastingdienst Buitenland (Foreign Tax Authority) in Heerlen at +31 555 385 385. However, a citizen service number (BSN) is required for this. Does your child not have a BSN, but you have received the child bonus from the SVB? If so, the SVB has applied for a BSN. In this case, contact the SVB to find out the number. In other cases, you can apply for a BSN from various municipalities in the Netherlands. For more information on how to apply for a BSN, go to the Rijksoverheid website.

Family insurance for benefits from the Netherlands (e.g. Pension)

If you receive benefits from the Netherlands on the basis of which you claim healthcare in Germany and the Netherlands via the CAK, your spouse may also be covered. The healthcare benefits your partner can claim are the same as those you can claim. You must take into account that if a health insurance supplement is granted for someone who is a contractually insured person (health insurance via the CAK), the country of residence factor will apply.