Childcare supplement

Do you live in the Netherlands and do your children go to nursery school/daycare facilities? Then you can get a monthly benefit for childcare costs. You get this Dutch childcare supplement (Kinderopvangtoeslag) if:

  • you and your partner both work, and
  • your child goes to a registered childcare facility and you pay the costs, and
  • your child is registered at your home address.

You can get the childcare supplement as long as you meet the conditions.

The amount of the childcare supplement depends on your income and the number of hours you work. The number of children who are cared for, the number of hours of care and the hourly rate also determine the amount. You can do a trial calculation on the website to see how much childcare supplement you can receive.

You apply for the childcare supplement at the tax office/supplements department. For more information, go to