Looking for a job


The fastest way to find a new job is still to contact companies directly. You can indicate at the UWV that you are (also) interested in jobs in Germany. The UWV will then ensure that the German Employment Agency receives your CV. You can also register as a jobseeker directly with the German Employment Agency.

EURES advisers will also support you in your job search in Germany. You can find more information here: EURES Deutschland. If you are looking for a job on the other side of the border in your region, you can also contact the regional EURES advisers.

You can find a lot of helpful information on the Make it in Germany website.


Looking for a job in the border region


There are special contact points at three locations on the Dutch-German border: Here, employees of the Dutch UWV, the German Employment Agency, the municipalities and the GrenzInfoPunkts will help you with your job search.

Grensarbeid [border work]

Eurode Business Center
Eurode-Park 1, unit 2
6461 KB Kerkrade

+31 45 7111778


Border work

Im Gebäude von UWV
Prinsessesingel 10
5911 HT Venlo

+31 77 356 7670


GrensWerk [border work]

Im Gebäude der Agentur für Arbeit
Bahnhofstrasse 39
48599 Gronau

+49 2562 933429



Temporary employment


Jobseekers can find employment with a German recruitment agency (“Verleihfirma”). Working for a German recruitment agency means that you have a permanent or temporary employment relationship with that agency and are loaned out to a German client. Temporary work is a similar concept and is often used with the same meaning.

You can find more information in a leaflet from the Employment Agency.


Mini-job (536-euro job)


Not all jobs are attractive to residents of the Netherlands. In particular, you have to be careful with mini-jobs ( 450-euro jobs). You may lose your Dutch health insurance and accrue a only very small pension. You will also not accrue an AOW pension for the duration of the mini-job. Not even if you are already receiving a pension in the Netherlands (e.g. a reduced earning capacity pension) during this period.

For more information on mini-jobs, click here.


Moving to Germany with WW-uitkering


You are unemployed, looking for a job in Germany and would like to live in Germany at the same time. If so, the Dutch UWV can continue to pay your unemployment benefit (ww-uitkering) for up to three months. You can find more information on how to apply for the necessary documents on the UWV website.