Sick note

The film below explains what the rules are if you become ill and you live in Germany and work in the Netherlands.

Notification of illness to the employer is done differently in the Netherlands than in Germany. The difference in regulations is due, among other things, to the obligation of Dutch employers to continue paying wages. They are legally obliged to continue paying at least 70% of the last wage earned up to a maximum of 104 weeks. By means of a cao, this can be regulated even more positively for the employee.

If your employment ends during your illness, the UWV will in many cases pay sickness allowance. This also applies if you work in the Netherlands with a temporary employment contract (uitzendcontract). There are also temporary employment agencies that continue to pay your wages during illness.

Sick leave procedure

If you are ill, first call your Dutch employer and arrange the next steps with them. Most of the time, the employer will call in his labour service to discuss your situation and guide your reintegration. You can also go to your family doctor.

The German family doctor reports you sick to your health insurance and your health insurance sends the sick note to the health insurance in the Netherlands. This is especially important if you are sick and you are not (any longer) employed. In such cases, you will not receive continued payment of your wages from your ex-employer, but sickness allowance from . In order to establish your entitlement to benefits, UWV needs the sick note.

Certificate of incapacity for work

Have you received a certificate of incapacity for work (“” / arbeidsongeschiktheidsverklaring) from your family doctor or specialist? Then submit this to your employer or their employment service. If you receive a sickness allowance, submit the certificate of incapacity for work to. Always state your Burgerservicenummer (BSN)Citizen Service Number on this form.