Studies and part-time job

If you have a part-time job as a student in the Netherlands but continue to reside in Germany, you are a cross-border worker.As a cross-border worker, you are subject to the social security system of the country in which you work. This means that you pay all contributions to the residents’ insurance scheme in the Netherlands, according to the law applicable there. In addition, you have to pay tax on your income from this employment in the Netherlands. This does not only apply if you work as an employee in the Netherlands, but also for self-employed persons.

For more information about health insurance, pensions and taxes, see the pages ‘Working in the Netherlands’

If you have a part-time job in the Netherlands, you have to pay a health insurance contribution to your Dutch health insurance (zorgverzekeraar). This amounts to approximately € 85 to € 115 per month. If you have no income or a small income, you can apply for an subsidy (zorgtoeslag). You can read more about this here and on the website of the Dutch tax office (only in Dutch)

. If you only have a part-time job in Germany, you are always subject to German social security.

If you have a part-time job in the Netherlands and also in Germany, e.g. a mini-job, you are usually subject to German social insurance. Read more about working in two countries here.